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Promotion Requirements

Buena Park Middle School is dedicated to developing the leaders of tomorrow and providing all students the academic and social skills necessary for successful transition from 8th grade to high school.  Following are the promotion requirements:

Academic Requirements:

Students must earn a Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or Higher

Other criteria to be considered:

  • Passing all classes with C (70%) or higher and this includes Physical Education (PE).
  • Student may have no more than 10 unexcused absences and have at least 90% attendance throughout the school year.
  • Student may not have any incidents of truancy.
  • Students must have all school materials turned in, paid for, or otherwise accounted for (iPads, textbooks, library books, musical instruments), lab equipment or any other charges cleared, including community service.

Behavior Requirements

A student who has been suspended for a violation of the educational code may be deemed ineligible to participate in activities reserved for promoting eighth graders and may not receive a promotion certificate.

  • Student may have no more than 2 incidents of suspension.
  • Students must be present and on time at all promotion rehearsals for their time slot.
  • Students who disrupt the promotion ceremony rehearsal may be excluded from participating in promotion.

*Students who fail to satisfy grade level standards as established in Board Policy may be considered for retention.  *
*The principal reserves the right to make the final decision and make any exceptions to any of the above requirements at their discretion.  Stallions are College Bound!