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The law requires regular attendance at school.  Students who are purposely absent from school will be declared truant.  Repeated truancy will result in appearance before the Student Attendance Review Team (SART) or Student Attendance Review Board (SARB), and/or possible loss of promotion privileges, and/or citation

  • Prolonged Illness

    • If a student has a prolonged illness and is able to study at home, parents should call the office and arrange to collect the assignments

  • Returning to School After an Illness

    • Parents or guardians must verify absences, either by telephone (714-522-8491) or by a signed note.  Parents must call the school attendance office by 10:00 a.m. on the day of absence or send a note on the day your student returns to school.  Students must report to the attendance office upon their return to school to get a re-admit slip. 

    • Students with absences that have not been verified by parent or guardian will have three days to obtain verification.  It is the student’s responsibility to make certain verification is received

  • Tardiness 

    • All students must be seated in their class and ready to learn before the bell rings at 8:30 am and before the tardy bell rings for every class.

    • All students that are tardy to school in the morning must get an admittance slip from the attendance office before reporting to class.  Students must present the re-admit slip to the teacher and this will be documented on the attendance record. 

**By state law, if a student is late 3 times to any class, this is equivalent to one unexcused absence.  Habitual tardiness will result in a referral to the Student Attendance Review Team. 

  • Make-up Work 

    • Students who have a legitimate excuse for being absent will be given make-up work.  The responsibility for make-up work remains with the student.  Students are reminded that they must ask the teachers for make-up work when they have an excused absence.