Dress Code
All students must adhere to the Buena Park Middle School Dress Code.
The purpose of the school dress code is to provide students with guidelines that ensure safety and productivity during the school day.
Only BPMS logo beanies and caps or hats are allowed
BPMS logo beanies and caps or hats may not be worn indoors or during PE
Exemptions are made for medical (with doctor’s note) or religious reasons
Hoods or hoodies are NOT allowed
Must have sleeves, bare shoulders are not permitted
No tube or sheer tops are allowed; midriff must not be exposed
No oversized solid color shirts are allowed
No jerseys are allowed
No oversized pants are allowed
Must be proper size, fit securely, and fit at waist without belt
Underwear must not show and no “sagging” pants are allowed
No sleepwear is allowed
Tights are not allowed to be worn alone
Must not be ripped or torn exposing undergarments or skin above the knee
Shorts and skirts must reach past fingertips in length even with leggings underneath
Shorts must not be baggy or below the knee
- Shorts must not overlap socks
- Socks must not be higher than 2 inches above the ankle
Must be closed toe and closed heel
Shoes must be worn at all times; no slippers or slides are allowed
Soles or heels should not exceed 1 ½ inches
Initial or large belt buckles are not allowed
Chains of any kind, spikes, or anything deemed unsafe is not allowed
Gloves are not allowed
No piercings that could endanger one’s safety is allowed
Should be neatly styled; no extreme styles and colors are allowed; eyes must be visible
Bandanas or Doo-rags are not allowed
Inappropriate Symbols
Inappropriate symbols on clothing are not allowed (e.g. Cookies, Gruntz, Marijuana Leaf, vapes) or anything promoting unsafe activities (e.g. drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, or violence)
Any item that the local police department considers gang attire is not permitted
The school reserves the right to regulate against upcoming fads or fashions that have a negative influence or may disrupt the learning environment. Interpretation and judgment in matters pertaining to dress and personal appearance are necessary. Students will be given the opportunity to change into loaners until the appropriate clothing from home is provided. In this area the Principal and/or Assistant Principals are the final and sole judge of what is or is not acceptable for an individual student.