ASES (After School Education and Safety Program)
Program Overview
The ASES Program is aligned with the content of regular school day and other extended learning opportunities. A safe physical and emotional environment, as well as opportunities for relationship building, are provided. Programs work closely with school site principals and staff and include elements of literacy as well as tutoring and/or homework assistance designed to help students meet state standards in one or more of the following core academic subjects: reading/language arts, mathematics, history, and social studies, or science. A broad range of activities may be implemented based on local student needs and interests.
The educational enrichment element must offer an array of additional services, programs, and activities that reinforce and complement the school’s academic program. Educational enrichment may include but is not limited to, positive youth development strategies, recreation and prevention activities. Such activities might involve the visual and performing arts, music, physical activity, health/nutrition promotion, and general recreation; career awareness and work preparation activities; community service-learning; and other youth development activities based on student needs and interests. Enrichment activities may be designed to enhance the core curriculum.
The ASES After School Programs offer a complete on-site after-school learning experience and includes the following:
- The ASES Programs are grant-funded and at no cost to families.
- ASES Programs include daily academic support and enrichment opportunities aligned to Common Core State Standards and Expanded Learning Quality Standards.
- A daily snack, in collaboration with the Buena Park School District, Food Services Department.
- Games, contests, music, theatrical performances, arts, sports, and interest clubs are just a few of the exciting enrichment opportunities.
- Children’s education and safety are our top priorities and that is why our staff will be on-site every school day from the time school lets out until 6:00 pm. This also included minimum/early release days.
- In order to benefit from our activities, students must attend 5 days a week and remain until 6:00 p.m.
- An adult or guardian must pick up children no later than 6:00 p.m. Please speak with the Site Lead regarding our Early-Release Policy
BPSD is proud to partner with CSUF to offer the ASES program to all campuses in BPSD except Emery School.
Call 657-253-1185 to contact ASES. All completed ASES applications need to be scanned and emailed to