Providence/ St. Jude Medical Center
Since 2014, Providence/ St. Jude Medical Center has provided grant funding to the Buena Park School District to support student and community health and wellness.
These grants have been used to fund school and community initiatives that promote physical activity, water consumption, fruit and vegetable consumption, and education about the District Wellness Policy. The initiatiatives have included:
- Hydration stations at all schools
- Smarter Lunchrooms at all schools
- Fit Centers at all elementary schools
- Wellness Coordinators and Fit Center supports at all schools
- OCDE PE, Health and Wellness trainings for all PE staff
- PE equipment for all schools
- CATCH PE stations and programs at all schools
- Family engagement events for all schools
- Partnership with the Buena Park Collaborative on the Move More, Eat Healthy Buena Park Campaign
Seri Hwang, Chief Academic Officer
Contact: Eva Sanchez, Secretary
Phone: 714-736-4243