Professional Development
Staff Professional Development
Over the past three years, professional learning for the Buena Park School District's faculty has been aligned to the California State Content Standards and Frameworks, Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), and Buena Park Middle School's Plan for Student Achievement. At the District level, a team of administrators specializing in curriculum and instruction identifies teaching and learning strengths, along with specific areas of need. Using site surveys, combined with data analysis from state assessments and District benchmark tests, a district-wide focus for increasing academic proficiency levels for all students is planned.
On-site Professional Development: Teachers are provided professional development opportunities in the areas of instructional strategies, assessments, and curriculum planning. During the year, time is devoted to data analysis and planning for differentiated instruction and intervention. Site professional development is mirrored with the district plan for instruction and assessment and designed to meet the specific needs of Buena Park Middle School students.
District Professional Development: The school district provides teachers with ongoing professional development to advance content knowledge, instructional expertise, and collaborative planning. Training to support teachers with the implementation of district-wide initiatives includes Common Core State Standards, new curriculum and units of study, assessment development, and establishing Professional Learning Communities. Teachers are given opportunities to develop both the art of teaching and instructional leadership skills by attending ongoing training and coaching led by literacy consultants and the District Literacy, English Learner, and Tech TOSA.
Buena Park Middle School staff have participated in the following professional learning activities over the past three school years:
- Common Core State Standards
- Writing Workshop Strategies
- Balanced Literacy Assessment and data analysis
- Reading and Writing Workshop
- MathSpace and CGI training
- Academic discourse and student engagement using AVID strategies
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) instructional shifts, curriculum and resources
- STEM practices and planning History Social Science standards, resources, and instructional best practices
- English Language Development (ELD) instructional practices and assessment
- Innovative integrated technology
- GATE certification for 6th-8th grade teachers
- Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
- Assessment literacy Professional Learning Community (PLC)
- MTSS academic behavior, and social-emotional development training
- iReady Training Panorama Training
- AVID Training
Buena Park Middle School offers support to new and veteran teachers through professional development, peer coaching, and mentoring. All staff are encouraged to attend professional workshops and conferences. Classified support staff receive job-related training from department supervisors and district representatives.